Beyond Sunday with Pastor Nic

Timing is Everything: Mastering the 19th Law of Leadership

July 25, 2024 Nicholas Williams

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Have you ever wondered why some leaders seem to hit the mark perfectly while others falter despite having great ideas? This week on Beyond Sunday, we unlock the mystery behind the Law of Timing, the 19th principle from John Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. We'll share how knowing when to lead is an art form as critical as knowing what to do and where to go. Through personal stories and pivotal moments, like a meticulously planned project of mine that failed simply because we misjudged the timing, we'll reveal the hidden dynamics of leadership timing.

Through compelling examples, such as Esther's biblical act of courage, Steve Jobs' triumphant return to Apple, and a pastor's faith-driven church launch during the pandemic, we uncover how the right action at the right time can turn the tide. We'll break down the four possible outcomes of leadership decisions and equip you with practical wisdom to discern the right moment for action. Don't miss this enlightening conversation that could redefine your leadership approach, making your next move not just a step forward, but a step at the perfect time.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Beyond Sunday where, in this mini-series, we're exploring the principles of leadership and personal growth through John Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. If you've followed me along this way, we are almost done. Today we're on the 19th law out of 21,. So this is the law of timing. This law states when to lead is as important as what to do and where to go. Let's unpack what this means and how you and I can apply this in our leadership journeys. In my leadership journey, I found that timing can be just as crucial as the decisions that we make. Early in my career, I led a project that had the right strategy and a committed team, but we failed because the timing was off. We launched during a period when our target audience was preoccupied with other priorities. This taught me that even the best plans can falter if the timing isn't right. John Maxwell defines this law by saying when to lead is as important as what to do and where to go. This means that great leaders pay close attention to timing and have a feel for when to act.

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Each time a leader acts, there are four possible outcomes. Number one the wrong action at the wrong time leads to disaster. He says. Number two, that the right action at the wrong time brings resistance. Number three the wrong action at the right time is a mistake. And number four the right action at the right time results in success. Maxwell emphasizes that understanding timing is essential for effective leadership. It's not enough to know what to do and where to go. Leaders must also discern the right moment to take action. Timing can make the difference between success. And think about it this way a simple analogy I live in Sarasota, florida, and we are on vacation right now, and we had to determine when we were going to leave on vacation, and that may seem like a simple answer, but if you leave during rush hour traffic, it's going to add a lot of time to your drive once you hit Tampa or the I-4 corridor, and so you want to make sure that you're leaving at a time that doesn't add to the disaster that is already going to be a long trip.

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Timing is crucial in everything that we do. Ecclesiastes 3.1 says there's a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. This verse highlights the importance of recognizing the right timing for actions and decisions. Consider the story of Esther in the Bible. Esther's timing in approaching the king was crucial. She waited for the right moment to present her request, which ultimately saved her people. Her understanding of timing and patient exemplifies the law of timing. I wonder, as that was unfolding for her, how many people just wanted her to rush in and have the conversation. I wonder how many times she processed. Maybe I should do it today, maybe I should have this conversation right now, but she waited until she knew the time was right.

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John Maxwell said the right action at the right time results in success. This quote encapsulates the essence of the law of timing, emphasizing the importance of aligning actions with the right moment. Another example, great quote by Sun Tzu says opportunities multiply as they are seized. This highlights how the right timing can create more opportunities for success. Imagine a company that launches a new product without considering market conditions. Despite having a great product, the launch fails because it coincides with an economic downturn. I think a lot of people probably faced this a few years ago. Now consider a company that waits for the market to recover and strategically times their launch. This company sees significant success because they align their action with the right timing.

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I have a friend who's a pastor that launched his church in 2020 during the pandemic, and leading up to that, they didn't know it was coming, and so they were all excited for their launch. And then, all of a sudden, they launch and the world goes crazy and they had to make some decisions. Do they stay open? Do they try to relaunch again later, or what are they going to do? And ultimately, they just changed their expectations of what the launch was going to look like, knowing that right now it wasn't going to be a huge success, but they were going to build the foundation for when the world changed, that they would be ready to go.

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Consider the example of Steve Jobs. His return to Apple in the late 90s was perfectly timed. He introduced innovative products like the iMac and later the iPod, when the market was ready for a change. His sense of timing helped Apple regain its position as the leading tech company. Maxwell shares a story about a leader who faced resistance because they introduced changes too quickly. By waiting for the right moment and preparing their team for the changes, they eventually achieved success. This story highlights how important it is to consider timing when implementing new initiatives. Now, as always, let's talk for just a few minutes on how you and I can apply the law of timing to our own leadership journey.

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Five quick points. Number one reflect on your timing in your actions. Consider how much attention you pay to timing. Reflect on major initiatives you have undertaken and assess how important timing was to their success or failure. Use these reflections to improve your future actions. Number two analyze past failures. Reflect on failed initiatives you've observed in your organization. Was the failure due to poor action or poor timing? Understanding this can help you avoid similar mistakes in the future. Number three plan future initiatives with timing in mind in the future. Number three plan future initiatives with timing in mind. Use factors of good leadership timing when you plan future initiatives. These factors include understanding having a clear understanding of the situation.

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Maturity, ensuring your motives are right. Confidence trusting in your decisions and convey confidence to your team. Decisiveness be clear and decisive. Avoid being wishy-washy. Experience If you lack experience, seek advice from those who have it. Intuition Rely on your intuition, which is influenced by momentum and morale. Preparation If the right conditions don't exist, create them.

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Number four model good timing as a leader. Demonstrate good timing in your actions. Show your team that you understand when to act and when to wait. Your example will help them develop their own sense of timing. Number five develop a feel for timing. Practice and develop your ability to sense the right timing for decisions and actions. This will improve with experience and reflection. Remember when to lead is as important as what to do and where to go. By focusing on the law of timing, you and I can enhance our leadership effectiveness and achieve greater success. Today, we explored the law of timing and how understanding when to lead is as important as what to do and where to go. By recognizing the importance of timing and applying it to your leadership journey, you can significantly enhance your effectiveness and impact. Join us next time as we delve into the 20th law, the law of explosive growth. Thanks for listening today. Until next time, keep growing and leading with purpose.