Beyond Sunday with Pastor Nic

Who You Are is Who You Attract: Mastering the Law of Magnetism

July 11, 2024 Nicholas Williams

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What if your team’s performance is a mirror of your own leadership qualities? This week on Beyond Sunday, we unpack John Maxwell's ninth law of leadership, the Law of Magnetism, and explore how "who you are is who you attract." Through personal anecdotes, biblical stories, and historical examples, we'll illustrate the profound impact your personal growth can have on the people around you. We'll also highlight how self-reflection, seeking honest feedback, and surrounding yourself with the right people can transform your organizational culture.

Join us as we reflect on iconic figures like Ruth, Naomi, and Gandhi, showing how their strong personal qualities attracted like-minded individuals and created powerful, lasting impacts. By understanding and applying the Law of Magnetism, you'll discover actionable strategies to attract high-quality individuals and foster a thriving, value-driven environment. With insights from leadership experts John Maxwell and Jim Rohn, this episode is packed with wisdom to help you elevate your leadership to the next level. Tune in to learn how to grow as a leader and, in turn, grow your team and organization.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Beyond Sunday, where we explore the principles of leadership and personal growth through this mini-series on John Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Today we're diving into the ninth law, the law of magnetism. This law states who you are is who you attract. Let's unpack what this means and how you and I can apply it in our leadership journey. In my leadership experience, I've seen firsthand how leaders tend to attract people who are similar to themselves. In fact, it's one of the things we watch as we hire. We hire staff that are different than the current staff that we have. Otherwise, we're just all going to attract the same type of people. Early in my career, I noticed that my team often mirrored my strengths and my weaknesses. This realization prompted me to focus on personal growth, knowing that improving myself would positively impact the entire team. Now John Maxwell defines the law of magnetism by saying who you are is who you attract. This means that the people you attract to your organization or your team will reflect your own qualities, your own values and your own characteristics.

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Leaders help shape the culture of their organizations based on who they are and what own characteristics. Leaders help shape the culture of their organizations based on who they are and what they do. Not only do people attract others with similar attitudes, but their attitudes tend to become alike over time. Maxwell emphasizes that if you want to grow an organization, you need to grow as a leader. He states like attracts like. That may seem pretty obvious, yet I've met many leaders who expect highly talented people to follow them, even though they neither possess nor express value for those people's giftedness. Therefore, if you want to attract better people, become the kind of person you desire to attract. Your personality, your character traits, your quirks, your mannerisms will not only attract people like yourself to your organization, but will also influence the existing people within it. This law serves as a call to action to recognize your weaknesses and seek to grow out of them. By doing so, you create a positive impact on your organization and you set the stage for attracting and retaining high quality individuals.

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Proverbs 27 19 says as water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart. This verse highlights the idea that who we are internally is reflected externally, attracting those who resonate with our character and values. If you don't like the people that you're hanging around and the people that you're surrounded by, maybe you're exuding values and character that aren't exactly who you really want to be and maybe you need to try to switch that. Consider the story of Ruth and Naomi. Naomi's strong character and faith attracted Ruth, who chose to follow Naomi and adopt her people and her God. This relationship illustrates how strong positive qualities can draw others and create lasting bonds.

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John Maxwell said if you want to grow an organization, grow the leader. This emphasizes that leadership development is crucial for attracting and nurturing talented individuals. Another insightful quote from Jim Rohn says you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Say that again you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. This highlights the importance of surrounding yourself with people who reflect the qualities and values you aspire to embody. Imagine a company where the CEO values innovation and creativity. Over time, the organization attracts like-minded individuals who thrive in such an environment. This collective creativity propels the company to new heights, demonstrating the law of magnetism in action. Consider the example of Gandhi. His dedication to nonviolence and justice attracted millions of followers who shared his vision and values. Gandhi's personal qualities created a powerful movement that changed the course of history. Maxwell shares a story about a leader who struggled with punctuality and noticed that his team also lacked punctuality. Recognizing this, he worked on improving his time management skills and, over time, the team's punctuality improved as well. This story illustrates how personal growth can influence and attract positive changes within a team. Now, as always, let's take a few moments and look at how you and I can apply the law of magnetism to our own leadership journey.

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Five quick things. Number one self-reflection. Write down the characteristics you wish to see in those you lead. Consider why you wish to see these qualities. Do those qualities describe you or people different from you? This reflection will help you understand what you need to work on to attract the right people. Number two seek honest feedback. Ask a co-worker or a friend you trust to honestly share with you qualities you need to grow in. This feedback is invaluable for personal growth and helps you see blind spots you might have overlooked. Now I said ask a co-worker or a friend. Make sure it's someone you trust. Make sure it's someone that feels like they're not going to get retribution if they speak into your life and take their thoughts and their ideas seriously. Spend some time reflecting on it.

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Number three mentorship and growth.

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Look at those you attract and seek mentors who can help you grow in areas you need.

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Surround yourself with individuals who possess the qualities you aspire to develop. Number four personal development. Focus on continuous personal development. That's what this whole 21-day journey is about. Is making sure that you and I are developing. Read books, attend seminars, engage in activities that help you grow in your desired areas. Remember, as you grow, you enhance your ability to attract and lead others effectively.

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Number five create a positive culture. Be intentional about the culture you create within your organization. Your actions, values and behaviors set the tone for the entire team. By embodying the qualities you want to see in others, you naturally attract like-minded individuals and foster a positive, productive environment. Remember who you are is who you attract. By focusing on personal growth and developing the qualities you admire, you can attract and retain talented individuals who resonate with your vision and values. Today, we explored the law of magnetism and how understanding that who you are is who you attract can transform the way you lead and impact those around you. By focusing on personal growth and embodying the qualities you wish to see in others, you can create a positive and dynamic organization. Join us next time as we dive into the 10th law, the law of connection. You won't want to miss it. Thanks again for listening to today's podcast. Share it, subscribe. Leave a review. Until next time, keep growing and leading with purpose.